
School Background


Saint Timothy School is a part of the Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board and has approximately 620 students from Kindergarten to Grade 8. We connected with this school through one of the teachers (Vicki Morgado), who is a parent we met through our robotics camps with the Sea Scouts.

The Issue

The school received a grant from the Teacher Learning and Leadership Program that allowed them to obtain many technological educational tools to create a Makerspace at the library. Currently, there are coding clubs and STEAM based activities available for students through the Learning Commons teacher, Ms. Martins in the library. However, many of the teachers felt overwhelmed with all of the new resources and were unaware of how to utilize them to enhance their classroom education and so they were rarely used as a result.

Resources Available

• 1 Arduino
• 3D Printer with Tinker CAD
• 12 Minecraft Educational Version
• 1 M Bot
• 1 BB8 Sphero
• 1 Ollie Sphero
• 1 Regular Sphero
• 1 Dash Robot
• 2 Programmable Ozobots
• 1 Osmo

• Set of 30 pads with Apple Coding
• Mindstorms Set - EV3 with Software
• Raspberry Pi
• Makerspace in library (wood, sewing machines, electrical tape, lego)
• 30 Desktop Dell computers
• Scratch
• 5 Makey Makey
• 1 Microbic Programmable Tool

Our Role

We organized an assembly to present to over 600 of the kids from grades 1 to 8 & 20 teachers at the school about FIRST. After our presentation, 5 of the teachers were interested in including technology in traditional classroom learning. Ever since they have been adapting our 50 lesson plans in their daily classroom activities. The lessons are shared through an online database and created upon request of the teachers from a list. The grades we are currently working with are Grade 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8.


Grade 5

Using data management and probability students can run a blinking lights program on their Arduino to randomize and collect data. After setting the program in certain ration, students can predict and analyze data.


-1 Arduino
-1 Computer
-3 LEDs of Different Colours
-1 Breadboard
-Connecting Wires
-1 Pushbutton switch
-1 Resistor (10 K)

The Code

int red = 10;
int yellow = 9;
int green = 8;
void setup(){
pinMode(red, OUTPUT);
pinMode(yellow, OUTPUT);
pinMode(green, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
void changeLights(){
// green off, yellow on for 3 seconds

void changeLights(){
// green off, yellow on for 3 seconds
digitalWrite(green, LOW);
digitalWrite(yellow, HIGH);
// turn off yellow, then turn red on for 5 seconds
digitalWrite(yellow, LOW);
digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
// red and yellow on for 2 seconds (red is already on though)
digitalWrite(yellow, HIGH);
// turn off red and yellow, then turn on green
digitalWrite(yellow, LOW);
digitalWrite(red, LOW);
digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
